Sunday, 30 July 2017

Clock build log #5 - calendar module

One thing I've come to realise throughout this project is that describing the build is reasonably uneventful - it's really just a repetition of place components and do a load of soldering. It makes for much less of an interesting read.

Certainly on a personal level I have found the troubleshooting process to be much more interesting - discovering an issue and trying to figure out how to fix it in as few changes or additional components as possible. Some of my boards are quite dense with little room for more logic, especially if a fix needed a large block of logic to implement. And as you've seen the "rats nest" of wiring on the rear of the boards actually poses quite an accessibility problem getting to solder joints, even with the reasonably fine 1.5mm soldering iron tip that I have used.

Luckily, however, problems requiring fixes have been reasonably uncommon, with maybe a transistor or two added here and there. And I've been quite thankful for that.

So having said all of that, I'll skip most of the details of the build of this board, and fast forward to the troubleshooting stages.

Like in previous builds involving ripple counters, I built each stage one by one so that I could test that they all worked before burying them under a lot of wires. And like all of the counter stages that came before, I didn't encounter any significant issues. In fact, if I encountered anything that could be considered significant, it was generally that a floating reset input would generally cause that stage to not function until I pulled it low (otherwise it was in constant reset). One of the disadvantages of using MOSFETs over other types of transistors is that their gates are capacitive, which means that when they are floating their state is somewhat non-deterministic - that is to say they could be high, low, or somewhere "kind of in between" - so pulling up or down is essential.

This is often very easy to fix. Using a pair of tweezers I can create a short between the gate pin and the negative power supply rail, and that was usually enough to sort out that gate long enough that I was able to test the functionality of the n-bit counter that had been built up. Some gates were a little more stubborn than others and needed a tiny piece of wire soldered in to hold the pin low. The primary reason that was an issue at all was due to the way I built up the counter logic. I would typically start with the counter stages and then move to the surrounding reset logic, so to begin with the reset inputs of each counter stage were not connected.

By far the most significant issue that I came across with this build was to do with the preset input which was supposed to ensure that when the month counter resets (i.e. when the calendar moves between months) the day of month counter would reset to 1 instead of 0 (since there is no day 0 in any calendar I know of). As you'd see from the design log for the calendar module, I did breadboard the circuitry to determine whether or not using a small capacitor at the appropriate point in the circuit would hold the preset input low for a short period of time which would enable a corresponding reset input to assert itself high prior to the preset input going high. This sequence is required in order for the preset to work, and certainly it worked on my breadboard. Hence I designed in what was to be the original design of the circuit. But it turned out that this still didn't work quite right once the circuit had been fully built up, and it only became apparent when I showed off my clock to some friends and this little gremlin surfaced. So it was back to the drawing board to find a solution.

I started by scoping out the various reset signals to find out what was happening, and unfortunately I forgot to capture an image of the signals on my scope, but the basic problem that I discovered was that the reset signal that is generated by the large block of reset circuitry below the units counter would be so brief that combined with the capacitor loading the preset input I think it just never actually had a chance to go high. I believe I did notice the tiniest of bumps in the trace for the preset input where that signal had started to rise, but by that stage the counters had reset, and the resulting reset signal was no longer asserted, so the preset signal was dragged back down to ground.

My solution involved adding in some more gates to form another SR latch, one input would come from the original inverter that was connected to the preset input, with the capacitor removed. The other input would come from the AC_CLK/ signal to reset the SR latch once the preset input was no longer going to be needed. The capacitor was then moved down to the appropriate output of the SR latch and then fed in to the preset input. I did also breadboard this solution to ensure I wasn't going to be wasting more time, and that also proved to work, only this time in-circuit.

I really do wish I captured a screenshot from my scope so I could visualise all of what I just said above, but you'll just have to believe me (and I hope it all made sense). And yes, you're seeing the finished clock there, before I've gotten around to writing any blog material for the calendar decoder module. Oops? :-)

So while the day of month counter was now resetting correctly upon the month rolling over, the next problem I found was when pressing the reset button at the back of the clock, the day of month would reset to 0 instead of 1. I had a solution to this pretty much already worked out, and it used a typical combination of logic that I have used elsewhere to "suppress" a certain signal when another signal is asserted. This involves inverting the AC_CLK/ signal and feeding it in to a dual input NOR gate, with the other input of that NOR gate connected to MCLR. When ever MCLR happens to be asserted, the AC_CLK/ signal will not propagate to the SR latch to reset it, and thus the preset signal will be able to have some effect.

The result looks a bit more complicated than the original, and I guess it is, but hopefully is easy enough to follow:


I was fairly confident this would now work properly, so I went straight ahead and built it up - a total of 7 transistors making 4 new gates (146-149). And afterwards when testing it out, it all worked perfectly. Day of month was now resetting correctly upon month rollover and when the reset button was pressed.

Calendar module done! Here are the results:

Since there were some modifications to the circuitry which occurred after the design log was published, I've uploaded revised schematics along with this blog. They are in the same location as before.

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Clock design log #5 - calendar module

I think circuitry wise the calendar module is my favorite - not only does it contain a bunch of ripple counters, but it also includes a good deal of combinational logic to determine (essentially) which month it is and how many days should be counted in each month, and then generate reset pulses using even more logic. As far as circuitry goes, it kind of seems more interesting than the other modules, perhaps because its not just a bunch of counters. There's a bit of circular dependency going on as well, with the day of month counter taking inputs from the month counter, and a reset of the day of month counter advancing the month counter. To be honest I was surprised it even worked at all - having done plenty of programming in my time and knowing how circular dependencies can cause great headaches...

It also has some nifty circuitry to ensure that when the day of month counter resets it doesn't reset to 0, but 1. This ensures that when the months roll over, they will always start from day 1. That is achieved with an additional input to the first stage of the units counter for the day of month (the only such instance of a preset input in any of my ripple counters), and a small capacitor which continues to hold the preset input low for a period of time brief enough that it will only go high after the reset input has had a chance to go high first. This ensures that the counter will be reset, and then the preset value will be loaded in.

I tested out this theory to make sure that my design was correct using a 2 bit ripple counter implemented on a breadboard.

The yellow trace shows the reset signal generated when the counter represents a value of 3, and the green trace shows the preset signal that feeds the preset input of the first counter stage, which has a delayed rise time caused by a small capacitor (100nF in the photo, but my design uses a smaller value). At the botton you see some digital signals, D0 and D1 which have been formed in to a bus, and which show the value of the ripple counter before, during and after the reset event. So that all seemed to work.

During the build of this module (as usual, this post is coming some time after the actual build) I discovered some flaws in my original design, so as you look over the schematic you'll find some gates towards the beginning of the schematic with numbers that look a bit out of place. This is due to the fact that I didn't want to spend the time to go through the schematic and re-number them all to fit in nicely after determining the fix and then implementing it. Laziness, or time better spent - you decide. In the end I decided to upload the fixed schematics with this post, rather than uploading a revised version with the build log as I have done in the past.

Prior to the fix I had connected the preset input to the output of the reset circuitry for that counter, but I quickly discovered that was simply incorrect, becuase as the counter would advance from 9 to what should have been 10, it would actually go one further to 11. Maybe it was trying to suggest something, or maybe I just stuffed up. So an additional gate connected to the right reset signals was in order, and that became gate 143 on the schematic such that only the correct reset signals would result in the initial preset value being loaded.

There is also another fix that I had to wedge in, and that was to do with the reset circuitry for the day of month counter. You'll see gates 144 and 145 hanging off gate 68 in the large block of gates which point to the left. This was some reset signal surpression that was necessary to ensure that everything worked correctly when manually setting the day of month. Technically you dont need gates 68 and 144 as they simply form a buffer, but I left them in the schematic because that is exactly how my circuit ended up being built (it would have been very fiddly to remove the components so I left them in). Basically, these gates prevent the reset signal from reaching the rest of the circuitry until the month set button is released. Prior to this I found that when the reset signal was asserted, the counter would end up with a value of 2. When I discovered that I started to wonder whether I needed the capacitor at all..? Anyhow..

I also designed in the ability for the clock to handle leap years, I think that was a nice touch even if I'll only use it once every 4 years. Pressing the leap year button inverts the state of a D type flip flop, and both of the outputs of that flip flop are used within the reset circuitry of the day of month counter along with outputs from the month counter which indicates what (kind of) month it is, and that causes the day of month counter to reset appropriately after 28 or 29, 30 or 31 days as appropriate. Whether the clock is in leap mode or not will be indicated on the display board using the dot point of the units display of the day of month. If it's on, it's a leap year and the day of month will reset after 29 days. Otherwise it's a matter of resetting after 30 or 31 days. Leap year mode is automatically cleared when the month counter resets from December to January, so the following year advances normally.

And finally, there is day of the week. This is a 3 bit counter which will translate to a 2 letter day of week readout on the display board, such as MO, TU, WE etc.

As with the time module, each of the buttons is associated with a debounce circuit to prevent multiple advances on a single press due to contact bounce. The little circuit I am using is working really well.

And that about does it for the design of the calendar module. Schematics are linked below as usual!

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Clock design and build log #4 - display board

There's been a little bit of delay since my last post. We had some of the hottest weather this year which caused me to avoid slaving over a soldering iron, and I had some other personal commitments going on otherwise which ate up some time.


What will be the last board in the clock (but not the last in the build) is the display board, which makes all of the internal workings of the clock visible to us simple humans.

It consists of a handful of 7 and 16 segment LED displays to provide the visual representation of the state of the counters within the clock.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I thought I had bought common cathode displays, but it turns out I bought common anode instead. The difference is as follows.

In a common cathode configuration, all of the "negative" pins of the LEDs are commoned together such that you supply positive voltage to the anode ("positive") pin of the LED to make it light up.

In a common anode configuration, the "positive" pins are commoned together, and to make an LED light up you ground the "negative" pin.

In either case you still need (ideally) a current limiting resistor per LED. You can in theory use a single resistor for an entire display, but the brightness of the segments will vary depending on how many of them are lit at a time.

How this affects my build means I just need a "few" more transistors on the display board than originally planned. "Few" as in 102 to be precise. The way I use them is as a switch to connect the cathode of each LED segment to ground. This enables current to flow from the positive rail, through the LED segment, then through its current limiting resistor and finally down to ground.

The decoders were originally planned to output a positive signal, that is that the output is high when the LED segment should be on, and originally it was planned to have the 2.2K resistors in the final driving gates of the decoders. But now, I use my standard issue 100K resistor, and the output of the gates in the decoder feeds to an associated transistor on the display board to switch a segment (or two in some cases) on or off.

So most of the circuitry on this board is resistors and transistors used to switch segments on and off.

Other than that, I'm doing something a little different with this post and combining both the design and build log in to one. The display board is reasonably simple, it holds no state like the decoder boards, and construction was quite straight forward and was completed some weeks ago. So ...


I started off by laying out the displays on a board to determine an arrangement and spacing that I liked. I'm not going to worry about any kind of separator between the digit groups in the clock portion, I'm hoping the physical separation of the digit groups will be sufficient to make it easy enough to read. The digits/alpha groups in the calendar portion I think will be obviously different enough to make that readable, so separators shouldn't be necessary there either.

And then proceeded to solder everything in to place.

Due to the way I had laid out my bus pins I had to leave a reasonable amount of slack on each of the wires leading up to the top row of displays so that I could shuffle them around in order to get the bottom row of displays etc in. A little bit more thought in that area could have gone a long way to making construction a lot less fiddly, e.g. by placing some of the calendar signals on the top connector instead.

After completing this much work, it was time to try it out and much to my delight, when I plugged it in I got an error free readout. I manually cycled through all of the hours and minutes to ensure they all displayed the correct digits, and only had to fix a couple of segments that had been swapped around due to an inconsistency with how I wired some of the transistors up.

That last photo isn't the greatest, but I was actually able to use it as a clock at that point in time! Yay!!!

And after achieving this I decided to take a break from this project, plus the hot weather we've had around this time of year, plus other personal commitments that I had going on.... So that explains the rather long gap since my last post.

And at this point I noticed that my linear regulator was starting to generate quite a lot of heat due to the increased current from all of the LEDs. So I decided to up rate the heatsink a bit:

It does still get a bit warm, but the new heatsink has much more surface area to dissipate heat from and it seems to be doing a good job so far.

The next step was to place all of the displays for the calendar readout. And after doing so, I ended up with the following mass of wires. And the stack is building up quite nicely, too:

The squiggly bit of wire you see weaving between all of the pins on the rear side of the board is just pulling all of those pins high to turn on the associated segments so I could see what everything was wired and working, and thus would be able to turn on all of the required segments for each character that needs to be displayed for the various readouts. It remains to be seen if they are all in the right order though...

So now there are only 2-3 boards left to build: the calendar module and its decoder board, and having left the clock on overnight it really does add significant amounts of light to my bed room, so I will definitely be building a module which is able to dim the display between certain hours. I'm still toying with ideas of how best to do that.

And of course, below are links to the design files for this board.